September 17, 2019

Common Findings on a Home Inspection Report

I am with Ben Gates with Gateway Home Inspections and he is conducting a Home Inspection today like he is every day at different properties, checking out all these homes. Ben, tell me what you typically find during a home inspection. What's something that's common that you may have found? Are there always a lot of things wrong?

I won't say wrong. There's, always some deficiencies in a home such as, doors that wont close properly, or windows that will not open, sometimes the water heater has the water too hot. Air Conditioner may not be working correctly. There's various things and then you go underneath and it's a whole new ballgame.

I like hot water. What's wrong with the water being too hot?

Well, sometimes you could get burned.

Wow. That's pretty important.

Yeah, that's it.

What's wrong with the door not shutting right.

The kids! You can't keep them out of your room! Haha!

That is important! Haha. Well it's probably a fire hazard as well.

Yes, especially garage door. Also If the exterior door cannot shut property, critters can come in and you won't be able to stop any kind of fire or the wind, if needed. It helps with efficiency also. So you need to take care of that.

Yes, because I don't want any critters coming in!

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